Don’t do yoga... use yoga.


It’s not just about doing yoga — it’s how you use it that matters. So how? How do you use it? I create bespoke solutions that answer this question in service of your unique balance, wellbeing, and longevity.

Your practice, your ways.

Over 20 years as a yoga coach I’ve led and mentored teams, launched a video platform and app, and created 100s of unique, strategic yoga solutions for high performance athletes, business leaders, busy parents, and everyone in between. 

Regardless of your background or experience, whether you’re an Olympian or postpartum mother (or both), there is a common thread — You’ll get more out of 10 minutes of daily practice than going to one random class a week. This is why my signature coaching and practice planning uses a little, often approach. In our work together we will put yoga into context of your real life and goals, and develop a clear focus, approach, and plan that supports you to become more balanced and resilient right where you are.

Use yoga, your way, now and be supported ongoing as your practice evolves to meet you where you are in life, work, sport, and beyond.

You can also receive yoga-inspired practices monthly via my newsletter, Balance Practice. 

Athletes for Yoga

As seen in…

  • “Erin takes the physical and mental benefits of yoga for athletes and makes those connections better than any other yoga instructor I’ve had.”

    – Lauren Fleshman, USA National Champion runner, bestselling author of Good for a Girl

  • “An Athlete for Yoga uses yoga to optimize performance — they know that they need to be a complete athlete to be at their best. They need to move properly and find balance. An A4Y pushes their body to its limits, but makes time to reset and come back to center.”

    – Chelsea Sodaro, Ironman World Champion

  • “I believe yoga can be a huge benefit to my career — I believe Athletes for Yoga is making me a stronger, more resilient athlete!”

    – Lily Partridge, British distance runner